My last photoshoots:
Photography Works 2021
23.01 - Pregnancy Aline & Felipe Photoshoot
20.03 - Family Photos - Sarah Ojambati
17.02 - Nathan 1st birthday
10.05 - Drenso Business website photoshoot
17.05 -Django Family Photos
01.05 - Flowers Field NL - Juliana's Family
02.05 - Flowers Field NL- Fran model book
21.05 - Hans & Sanne Famile Photoshoot
18.06- TEDX Munster
10.12 - Euro Dev Company- Business Photoshoot
17.12 - Euro Dev Company in Medica Fair
29.12 - Stadsherberg Enschede - Christmas Event
Photography Works 2020
20.12 - Djura - Family Photoshoot
28.10 - Anastaci Brides catalogue photoshot
27.09 - Eanske- food photoshoot
30.09 - Latifa Story- portrait & business photoshoot
15.08 - Elma&Rick - Baby &Family photoshoot
26.07- Loes - Baby & Family Photoshoot
04.07- Hans&Sanne pregnancy photoshoot
04.08 - Jannink 100 Jaar- Business Photoshoot
20.05 - Capoeira Batizado - Sports Photoshoot
20.04 - Delihuis Giveway Food Photoshoot
27.04 - Koningsdag Private client
Photography Works 2018
09.11 Rico Latino - Dia de Los Muertos
03.11 TedXMunster Official Photographer
Culturele Zondag Zilver Festival
Culturele Zondag Uit Festival
Rico Latino Halloween Party
12-10 Military Boekelo - Gino Press
13.10 TSA in Metropool Enschede
13.10 Pregnancy Photoshoot
08.07 Culturele Zondag - Van Heek Park
07.07 Tot de nek in de drek
01.07 Balkon Festival - Official Photographer
01.07 Local Sunday Market - Volunteer
11.06 Maastricht de Mooiste - Gino Press
06.06 Decathlon Opening - Gino Press
03.06 Local Sunday Market - Volunteer
13.05 UT - Triathlon - Gino Press
Photography Works 2019
04.12 PR_IP - Office Photoshoot
02.12 Aline Pregnancy Photoshoot
10.07 Mariana Yamashita Photobook
30.06 Summer Fit Festival
27.06 PHD Presentation - University of Twente
23.06 Balkon Festival Enschede
22.06 Rico Latino Party
22.06 Balkon Festival Enschede
26.04 Local Sunday Market Enschede
27.04 Rico Latino Konings Dag
26.04 Rico Latino Konings Festival
14.04 KoningsSpelen - SportBedrijf Deventer
30.03 Rico Latino Kizomba Night
14.03 London Book Fair - Futura Press & Gino Press
03.03 Carnaval in Oldenzaal
14.02 Rico Latino Valentines day
Photography Works 2017
06.10 - Futura Press - Military Boekelo
09.09 - Voluntary - CitizenM Rotterdam Team
29.07 - Futura Press - Rotterdam Carnival
02.07- Client Book - Family Day
15.06 - Group Capoeira Berimbau de Ouro
14.05 - Futura Press - Feyenoord football fans
09.04 - Futura Press - Rotterdam Marathon
12.02 - Client Book - Wedding 50 Anniversary
13.02 - Voluntary - HappyFeet dance presentation
Photography Works 2016
29.11 - Voluntary - TEDxSaxion University Brave New World
30.08 - Saxion University - Openday Year 2016- 2017
15.06 - Voluntary - TEDxOpenMic Deventer
23.04 - Futura Press - Bulbflower Parade
21.02 - Futura Press - Temple ZuLai - Chinese New Year
20.02 - Futura Press - Super Desafio Rugby - Brazil
12.02 - Futura Press - Super Desafio Rugby - Brazil
Photography Works 2015
20.11 - Korfball Brazilian team in The Netherlands
11.11 - Voluntary - TEDxEnschede Persuit Happiness
29.08 - Futura Press - Amsterdam Art Festival
19.07 - Iguana Sports - Athenas 16km Run
26.06 - Cristhiana Packer Cia. - Dance Apresantion
27.06 - National cable wakeboard championship
25.06 - AMGFoods photo's session
26.06 - Viva Sa Magazine photo's session
28.05.2015 - Luciana Taboada Fashion Book
21.05 - Fike Seminar
17.05 - International Marathon of São Paulo
29.03 - Iguana Sports - Athenas Circuit
08.03 - Iguana Sports - WRUN-Running in São Paulo
07.03 - Iguana Sports - DayCare WRun in São Paulo
23.02 - Hanswade Event- Gran Mercury Ibirapuera
23.02 - Hanswade Event- Gran Mercury Ibirapuera
01.01 - RevistaSintonia - Magazine Article and Photos
Photography Works 2014
23.12 - Iguana Sports - CAIXA Running - Athenas Circuit
02.11.2014 - Iguana Sports - CAIXA Running - Athenas Circuit
21.10 - Iguana Sports - Cartoon Network Kids Run
06.10 - Iguana Sports- Asics w21k Running
05.10 - Iguana Sports- Asics w21k Running
22.09 - Hansowade Workshop
14.07 - Iguana Sports -Jockey Club São Paulo Running
08.06 - Latin Sports- Track&Field Run
05.06 - Fike Seminar
22.06 - Reunyon Street Dance Work Shop
13.06 - Thiago Gusi - Pepis Show
26.05 - Vivarte Dance Presentation
15.05 - Fike Seminar
24.03 - Thiago Gusi SHOW - DVD RECORD
Photography Works 2013
21.12 - Furnas Stand Up Girls Rio de Janeiro
20.12 - Primavera Institute donation day
08.12 - 5 Miles Joaquim Egídio - Sousas
30.11 - Rossi 5hours Bikeday Campinas
16.10 - Fashion&Health Hotel Vitória
06.10 - Amil Sorocaba Running
22.09 - Amil Jundiaí Running
10.08 -Running JK10K Brasília
14.07 - Ecorunning Mata Santa Genebra
31.05 - FIVB Beach Volley World Cup - press for CBV
26.05 - Mais Vida 3M Boldrini Running
19.05 - Hortolândia Running
15.05 - RedBull BBoys
11.05 - 5 Hours Bike Day Indaiatuba
19.04 - CEMAT Fair - Slackline presentation for CLARK
24.03 - Half Marathon Amil Campinas
26.01 - Slackline Regional Cup Itatiba
07.01 - Making Off Campaign Running 3M Boldrini
Volleyball Championships Seasons 2013
Superliga Championship - First Round
06.12 - Vôlei Amil x Barueri - Campinas (SP)
Classificatory Phase
27.09 - Vôlei Amil x Uniara - Campinas (SP)
Paulista Championship
15.01 - Vôlei Amil 0 x 3 Sollys/Nestlé - Campinas
Photo Coverage Arena Amil 2013
14.09 - Sesi - Sp x Vôlei Amil- Campinas (SP)
23.08 - São Caetano x Vôlei Amil - Campinas(SP)
12.06 - New team presentation- local Press
05.03 - Pinheiros x Vôlei Amil- Campinas (SP) - Arena Amil
22.02 - Usiminas x Vôlei Amil- Campinas (SP) - Arena Amil
25.01 - Sesi –Sp x Vôlei Amil- Campinas (SP) - Arena AmiL